
  1. Irish Mike S Performance

Alternative forms[edit]


(third-person singular simple presentslow rolls, present participleslow rolling, simple past and past participleslow rolled)

  1. () To make a long pause before calling an all-in bet with a strong, usually very strong, hand.
  2. () To make a long pause before revealing one's winning hand.

Sci.anthropology.paleo, alt.alt.sex.spanking, rec.gambling.poker From: 'Irish Mike' Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2006 23:40:01 GMT Local: Sat, Mar 4 2006 6:40 pm Subject: Re: Concord Police Department Officer Ron Turner is a fucken dirty black pig cop he stops people that have 820lbs. In a 1 ton pu truck (full header at end of post). 'That's easily explained. Mike left his brogue in Galway. He came to this country when he was six years old and was raised in Boston. That's where he picked up his broad a.' 'That doesn't help a bit, Matt. He's Irish just the same, and what a Yankee like you don't know about the Irish would fill a book.

Irish mike


Irish MikeMike

(pluralslow rolls)

  1. () An instance of slow rolling
    • 2007, Irish Mike, “A strange slow roll”, in rec.gambling.poker, Usenet:
      Saw a very strange slow roll last night in a $20/$40 game. A guy raises with KK and another player calls, all-in, with 99. Flop and turn are rainbow rags. Then, for reasons known only to him and God, the dealer decides to get cute with the river card. He peeks at the corner, pauses dramatically, looks at both players, then turns up a 9 on the river. I've seen a lot of players slow roll but it's unusual to see a dealer do it. A lively discussion followed.
  2. (aviation) A maneuver in which the aircraft makes a complete rotation around its roll axis while maintaining a straight and level flight path.

Usage notes[edit]

  • slow rolling is considered bad etiquette by many players, so the term is often used pejoratively

Irish Mike S Performance

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