1. Bank Closed My Account For Gambling No Deposit
  2. Bank Closed My Account For Gambling Winnings
  3. Bank Closed My Account For Gambling Money

We normally think about our banking and financial accounts on our own terms. We decide when we want to open a new account, what financial institution we want to do business with, how much and how frequently we deposit funds into and withdraw funds out of our accounts, and when we close those accounts.

But that’s not always the case. In fact, there are some situations where your accounts can be frozen, accessed or even shut down. Most of these occurrences are likely to be fairly rare, such as having your assets seized in connection with a lawsuit or tax proceeding. There are also less serious situations where your bank can close your account.

Here are some examples of why your bank may close your account.

Bank Closed My Account For Gambling No Deposit

  • Your Bank Can Close Your Account. Surprisingly, your bank has the right to close your account without your consent. While this doesn’t happen often, when it does it’s usually for one of two reasons; either you have failed to meet whatever minimum account activity requirements apply to your account, or you have overdrawn your account in such an amount or with such frequency that the bank has decided it does not want your continued business.
  • Okay, So pretty much that gave me the 'assurance' that my Halifax account would get closed, even if I provided true and honest information over the phone - they don't care, 2 phone calls from their 'Account Review' team - at least I was 'lucky' enough to know exactly what was the problem with my account as I read many other threads of people getting their account closed surprisingly. The activity on your account would look very suspicious in my view and gambling transactions can sometimes be a strong indicators of money laundering activity. You can approach it in two ways. Either reassure HSBC that the transactions are legit and find out what their policy is to see if you can comply.

  • Managing Account Inactivity. Avoiding an involuntary closure of your account for inactivity should be fairly easy. If you don’t normally conduct a sufficiently large number of transactions in your account, consider setting up an automatic debit or account transfer (perhaps into your IRA) to make sure you’re meeting the minimum requirements.
  • Closed
  • Guard Against Situations Where Becoming Overdrawn is More Likely. One way to reduce the chances that you’ll become overdrawn on your account is to be aware of those situations in which overdrawing your account is more likely. For example, many individuals find that when they travel abroad it’s not as easy to keep up to date with their account balances, particularly when they’re being charged currency conversion and foreign transaction fees for their account activity while overseas. You can also reduce the chances for becoming overdrawn by keeping your own precise records on the balance and transaction activity within your account. Use whatever method works best, whether that’s a paper notebook or personal finance software.
  • A Closed Account Can Stay With You. The consequences of having your bank close one of your accounts can stay with you for a long time. In many instances the bank will report the fact that they’ve closed your account (and that circumstances that led to the closure) to a financial reporting service. Other banks sometimes use these reporting services when they make decisions on whether or not to accept a new account application.
  • Rectify The Problems that Led to the Closure. If you ever find yourself in a financial situation that results in a bank closing one or more of your accounts, you need to rectify those problems as soon as possible. Not clearing up the problem can make it very difficult to open a new account at another bank.
  • Having savings and checking accounts is an indispensable part of your financial stability. Make sure to honor the terms of your account agreement with your bank so that your account is always there for you.

    Bank Closed My Account For Gambling Winnings

    Tags: Banking Advice, checking account, close account

    GamblingBank Closed My Account For Gambling

    Bank Closed My Account For Gambling Money